NCMA Denver

Think Tank Series

So, What is the contracts think tank

NCMA Denver is partnering with Deloitte Services LP to bring you a 3-part Think Tank series with a holistic focus on contracting from the perspective of the buyer, seller, commercial, government, and everything in between! Scroll through the events below and find out how you can get more involved in the series and become more knowledgeable about contracts management.



Why do you [really] need a contract?: Warren Buffet Doesn"t.

“It is impossible to un-sign a contract, so do all your thinking before you sign." – Warren Buffet

NCMA Denver and Deloitte"s Government & Public Services Contracts Group join in a live panelist discussion focusing on the intention of a contract. Why do we need contracts and how are they configured differently in Commercial vs. Government spaces for the purpose of supporting a mission/activity? See their responses and more in this riveting recording in which the panelists give their perspectives on the contract world. The panelists include Jami Dinsmore, Rolland Glynn, Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt, Karri Palmetier, Melissa Starinsky, and Wanda Wallace. This discussion was held on 23 February 2022.

The panelists include Jami Dinsmore, Rolland Glynn, Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt, Karri Palmetier, Melissa Starinsky, and Wanda Wallace. This discussion was held on 23 February 2022.

Watch the Moderated Live Panel here


Jami T. Dinsmore
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Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt
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Melissa Starinsky
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Rollande Glynn
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Karri L. Palmetier
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Wanda Wallace


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Andrea L. Mueller

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Gregory R. Roberts

Who"s Following Who?

How the Commercial and Government sectors compare through the lens of contract management.

Listen to the recorded podcast here

Tune in to this __ minute podcast which showcases the leading practices in the Commercial space and their impact on the Government and vice versa. How do these two sectors intertwine and what role do contracts play? NCMA Denver and Deloitte"s Government and Public Services group join to discuss this and more in this intriguing and informing podcast. Hear from podcaster Craig Youngkrantz and guest speakers Neha Khullar, Andrea Mueller, and Sejal Shah on which premiered on 17 May 2022.

The panelists include Jami Dinsmore, Rolland Glynn, Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt, Karri Palmetier, Melissa Starinsky, and Wanda Wallace. This discussion was held on 23 February 2022.


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Craig Youngkrantz

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Neha Khullar

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Sejal Shah

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Andrea L. Mueller


Learn about Intentions within Contracts with Keynote Speakers Karri Palmetier and Jonathan Veteto, and special guests Gregory Roberts, Andrea Mueller, and Amanda Reyes.

NCMA Denver and Deloitte's Government & Public Services Contracts Group hosts a discussion with Keynote Speakers, Karri Palmetier of Palmetier Law and Jonathan Veteto. The discussion focuses on: i. Key provisions which may alter the scope or missions of intentions in case law, ii. What is needed from contracting AFTER the contract is drafted, negotiated, awarded,    iii. Best practices – partnerships, educational tools, and more; and   iv. The importance of being intentional in all that you do. Hear from Keynote Speakers Karri Palmetier and Jonathan Veteto on which premiered on 26 May 2022.

The panelists include Jami Dinsmore, Rolland Glynn, Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt, Karri Palmetier, Melissa Starinsky, and Wanda Wallace. This discussion was held on 23 February 2022.

Watch the Keynote Speaker video below

Keynote Speakers

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Jonathan Veteto
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Karri L. Palmetier

Special Guests

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Andrea L. Mueller
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Amanda Reyes
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Gregory R. Roberts